Reflections on 2022 GEM School for an Economy of Life
Some 30 highly motivated people of all ages and nationalities, representing different Christian denominations, met in Berlin in the first week of July for in-depth discussions on…
The Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB) has a significant history in promoting gender justice and equality for women and 7 March 2014 was a special day for all of us who work for gender…
More than 40 participants, including 29 young people, took part in a four- day “Training the Trainers” (1- 4 July) course in Papua aimed at helping to prevent the spread of HIV in the Indonesian province …
“I learn to take care of myself. I learn to discipline myself” says 16-year old Lilli in impeccable English. She has one more year of school before she plans to study accounting. The girl who looks much younger lives at Rumah (house)…
I happened to be at the UN early one morning, to drop off information about a side panel discussion and noticed the sheer volume of discarded cups and half empty crumpled water bottles littering the tables in the…
By María Cristina Rendón, Program Assistant in Women in Church and Society
Room XVII at the United Nations in Geneva has witnessed hundreds of discussions on human rights, power-related issues, and the hopes and failures connected…
As much as it is a fact that Jantine Auguste Haumersen was the first woman pastor ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it was another woman (later to be ordained as pastor as well) who prepared the way…
The LWF Gender Justice Policy gives new ideas and thoughts to the Lutheran Church in Korea. The process of developing the translation was good, although we learned there is room for improvements in such a…