In Communion with the Lives and Ways of Women

19 Mar 2014
Department for Theology and Public Witness
Rev. Blasi with fellow women Brazilian church leaders

Rev. Blasi with fellow women Brazilian church leaders

By Rev. Marcia Blasi

The Evangelical Church of Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB) has a significant history in promoting gender justice and equality for women and 7 March 2014 was a special day for all of us who work for gender justice and equality!

On this day the IECLB launched the National Campaign “In communion with the lives/ways of women” [Em comunhão com as viDas das mulheres] with a special message from Presiding Pastor [Dr] Nestor Friedrich.

As part of the Council who approved the LWF Gender Justice Policy, it was moving to see the repercussion of people all over the country responding to the Campaign’s call and wanting to be involved. It is reassuring to see that people and churches are willing to work on those issues and that the LWF Gender Justice Policy resonates with people’s needs.

The Campaign will be developed throughout the year of 2014 and invites Synods and congregations to collect stories and pictures of Lutheran women in Brazil who have and continue to contribute to the building of the Church and society.

Rev. Blasi is an adviser to the LWF Council and a facilitator in the Women and Gender Justice Network in the LWF Latin America and the Caribbean region.

Campaign Video

Department for Theology and Public Witness
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are those of the author, and not necessarily representative of Lutheran World Federation policy.