All people are created in God’s image as equals in rights and dignity. That is the theological concept on which gender justice is based. Gender justice recognizes and addresses systems and situations of imbalance and injustice to help transform relationships between people
LWF marks tenth anniversary of support to displaced communities in Northern Iraq
(LWI) – In 2014, LWF set up an emergency relief operation in response to the Islamic State (IS) insurgency, which displaced around three million people in…
In all our human rights advocacy, we hold governments accountable for their human rights obligations, particularly in the context of international United Nations frameworks.
(LWI) El 25 de agosto de 2024, la Iglesia Luterana Costarricense (ILCO) celebró su 36° aniversario bajo el lema "Vida, Alegría y Esperanza". Mujeres, hombres, niñas y niños de diversas comunidades de fe, incluidas comunidades indígenas, migrantes...
(LMI) - Un vivero de árboles y vegetales nativos, una escuela que destaca en el cuidado ambiental y una comunidad indígena que exhibe prácticas espirituales tradicionales de cuidado de la creación. Delegados y delegadas de 12 iglesias...
Drawing on experience and taking further steps to counter the climate emergency
(LWI) – “The goal of the meeting was to strengthen our advocacy for climate justice by developing a faith-based roadmap for climate action in the Africa…