Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
What We Do We work with member churches, country programs and partner organizations to promote justice, peace, reconciliation and dignity for individuals and communities.
Member Churches LWF membership represents over 78 million Christians in the Lutheran tradition in 99 countries across the globe. It has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches, as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.
LWF related subsites Related Subsites LWF Thirteenth Assembly – 2023.lwfassembly.org [EN | DE | ES | FR | PL] Reformation 2017 – 2017.…
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us
Donate Now Your partnership truly makes a difference.Together, a better world is possible.With Passion for the Church and for the World.
LWF Communion Office to remain in Geneva General Secretary asked to present long-term financial sustainability plan
Polish church will host the Thirteenth LWF Assembly in 2023 Bishop Samiec: An “opportunity to promote diversity and Lutheranism in society”
A source of hope towards Christian unity Five Christian traditions celebrate historic Joint Declaration on Justification
Positive results kept LWF financially stable through 2018 Finance committee chairperson reports to the Council
Promoting gender justice in church and society A meeting of Lutheran women leaders looks at ways of transforming patriarchal attitudes and structures
LWF President: Prophetic witness against injustices LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa addresses 2019 Council meeting
LWF General Secretary: ‘Hope is the antidote to paralyzing nostalgia’ Report of LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge to 2019 Council meeting
LWF Uganda scales up risk intervention against the spread of Ebola virus Communication strategies to increase awareness in the community about the disease
Churches pledge support for Colombia’s human rights defenders Geneva event calls for stepped-up efforts to achieve sustainable peace and justice for victims
Many partners, one objective: peace Ethiopia’s church-led initiative builds trust among religions and community members
"Only together we can be the Body of Christ" LWF regional leadership consultation for Central and Western Europe in Hamburg