Extending a Tree of Friendship from Brazil to Kenya
(LWI) – “Hello, friends! How are you? Today we are showing our school routine! We hope you enjoy it,” says Arthur Blasi de Souza speaking into the camera, accompanied by the waves of his…
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) received with heartfelt gratitude a donation of EUR 51,400 from the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB) towards additional patient care at the Augusta Victoria Hospital (AVH) in East…
Joint action to respond to “unprecedented threat” of coronavirus pandemic
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) together with other organizations is joining the global appeal of the United Nations (UN) for donations to respond to …
BRASILIA / Brasil (LWI) - En anticipación del vigésimo aniversario de la Declaración Conjunta sobre la Doctrina de la Justificación, que se celebrará el 31 de octubre, el Consejo Nacional de Iglesias Cristianas de Brasil (CONIC) desarrolló una...