Speaking up and acting for climate justice as people of faith
GENEVA, 23 June 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has announced that it shall be the policy of the LWF not to invest in fossil fuels. This…
(LWI) - Global faith leaders from different Christian traditions and communions, including the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge, are inviting Christians…
LWF Council adopts resolution on the Situation in North-East and Central Nigeria
(LWI) - During its meeting in Geneva this week, the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) adopted a resolution on the situation in North-East and…
LWF Council calls for action on number of urgent issues
(LWI) - The governing body of the Lutheran World Federation has highlighted a number of issues that need the urgent attention of churches and the international community. On the…
LWF President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa addresses 2019 Council meeting
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) President Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa today opened the 2019 LWF Council meeting with a call for deeper unity…
Public statements and resolutions from 2019 LWF Council meeting
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Council concluded its 2019 meeting with public statements and resolutions on crises related to climate change, the Israeli-…
Junge’s message to faith and political leaders: “This year is crucial”
(LWI) – “The [climate] crisis is real. We know the communities and people affected by it, often even by name," said the Lutheran World Federation's (LWF) General…