Prof. Eve-Marie Becker introduces an LWF consultation that will discuss ways in which the power of the gospel can inspire global discourse about Christian life and identity in today’s social, political and cultural settings…
AARHUS, Denmark/GENEVA 28 September 2015 – Paul’s significance for Lutheranism and the history of Christianity overall is undeniable. While, on the one hand, his ideas can be highly controversial and divisive on issues regarding gender,…
Sharing a journey-- that is my most vivid impression of the current LWF consultation on hermeneutics. Our point of departure has been the letters of Paul, which are among the most stimulating writings in the Bible. And my companions are…
The power of the gospel in shaping Christian identity
(LWI) – A group of 35 biblical scholars from Lutheran and other Christian traditions are meeting in Aarhus, Denmark, for the fourth Bible interpretation conference hosted by The…
Divergent conclusions “will always” be part of biblical interpretation
(LWI) – An international Lutheran conference on Bible interpretation has recognized the importance of reading Scripture with love and respect as well as building a…
A word of clarification from the Lutheran World Federation
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has been alerted to reports about the Contemporary Danish Bible 2020, published earlier this year. Some commentators have referred to…