Finnish archbishop speaks out against harsh humanitarian cutbacks
HELSINKI, Finland/ GENEVA, 4 September 2015 (LWI) – The Finnish Archbishop Kari Mäkinen has called for solidarity with refugees and encouraged parishes to raise their…
GENEVA, 16 September 2015 (LWI)—The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Europe continue to advocate for and extend hospitality to thousands of asylum seekers fleeing into the…
First Nordic translation of LWF Gender Justice Policy
(LWI) – The first Nordic translation of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Gender Justice Policy (GJP) will help make it part of the life of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland…
Finnish Bishop Repo encouraged by enthusiastic discussion at Lusaka meeting
(LWI) – Affirmation of the Lutheran-Catholic agreement on justification and a call for Anglicans to commemorate the 2017 Reformation anniversary were among…
Commission members commemorate 2017 Reformation anniversary
(LWI) - The Lutheran - Orthodox Joint Commission on Unity has moved closer to publishing a common statement on ordained ministry/priesthood. The statement of the international…
LWF General Secretary receives St Henry’s cross, highest honour of Finnish church
(LWI) Tapio Luoma, newly installed Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (ELCF), emphasized the need for compassion and putting people…
General Secretary Junge grateful for ecumenical and theological leadership
(LWI) - Rev. Dr Kaisamari Hintikka, assistant general secretary for Ecumenical Relations and director of the Department for Theology and Public Witness (DTPW) at…