(LWI) – There is a white dove on almost every cross that Christian Chavarria Ayala paints. The artist sits in his studio on the upper floor of the La Résurrection Lutheran congregation in San Salvador and dips a paintbrush into blue paint for the…
Rapid aid assists local church’s immediate response
(LWI) - Two tropical storms in El Salvador last month further exacerbated food insecurities experienced by residents due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Germany: Mission EineWelt provides relief for partner churches
(LWI) - "The willingness to assist is of inestimable value for the people in our partner churches,” says Katrin Bauer, director of the Fundraising Department at…
Youth lead project to improve environment and food security
(LWI) – “Achieving food sovereignty and protecting the environment and natural resources are big challenges in our country,” said Rev. Maritza Albertina Carrillo Herrera, a…
El Salvador commemorates thirty years of Peace Accords
(LWI) - On the 30th anniversary of the signing of the El Salvador Peace Accords, which ended the civil war in the country, Bishop Medardo Gómez Soto of the…
GINEBRA (LWI) - Con mucha intensidad y trabajo se viene desarrollando el Diplomado "Enfrentando las Pérdidas y Daños por el Cambio Climático a través de la Justicia Climática". En línea colaboran el Instituto de Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad...
NEJAPA / El Salvador (LWI) Un grupo de personas convocados por el liderazgo comunitario, entre ellos la Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña (ILS), llevaron a cabo el 27 de mayo una jornada de limpieza en el Río San Antonio en la localidad salvadoreña de...