Poland hosts 1.5 million officially registered refugees from Ukraine. Twenty live in Betania, a holiday home of The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland in the Cieszyn Diocese near Bielsko-Biala.
Lutheran congregation attends to the injured in Kiev
(LWI) – A place of peace and prayer – and an improvised hospital. For days now, the church of the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation in Kiev has been caring for…
(LWI) – The episcopal supervision and pastoral care of the seven Lutheran congregations on the Crimea peninsula will remain with the Ukrainian Church, officially registered as the…
(LWI) - The Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) on its 2014 meeting issued a public statement concerning the Ukraine, voicing deep concern over the conflict “which has…
LWF Vice-Presidents Reflect on Hopes and Challenges in Church and Society
(LWI) - “Listening, Serving, Empowering-Being Church in a Transforming Europe,” was the theme of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) European Regions’ Conference,…
Solidarity for Reconciliation and Peace in Ukraine
(LWI) – Archbishop Dietrich Brauer, recently consecrated as head of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia (ELCR) says the archbishop’s role is critical in connecting two parts of a…
Sharing and Learning Has Strengthened Collaboration among European Diaconal Actors
(LWI) – A “Solidarity Group” that coordinates sharing of practices by diaconal actors across Lutheran churches in Europe resolved at their last meeting to…