The Rev. Dr Robin Steinke was inaugurated on 12 October as President of Luther Seminary, at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church congregation in Apple Valley,…
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has launched a new theological education program for Indigenous leaders. This is the first such program in that church and aims to widen theological formation beyond Western approaches…
Joy and fear, belief and doubt are often mixed together in us, just as they were in the reactions of the disciples to the news of Jesus’ Resurrection on the first Easter day.
500 years after Martin Luther produced his first translation of the New Testament from Greek into German, the LWF is marking the anniversary by asking how it can continue to inspire the work of the churches today.
(LWI) – On 28 February 2014, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge accompanied by Bishop Cindy Halmarson, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and…
Lutheran Delegates Host Fast at UN Summit Parallel Event
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues its advocacy on climate change as “an urgent matter of social and economic justice” with events around the United…
LWF Representative Kwon Offers Highlights from New York Climate Change Summits
(LWI) – While the recent Interfaith Summit on Climate Change emphasized politicians’ urgent responsibility in taking action to limit global warming, it also…
HARRISBURG, United States/ GENEVA, 24 July 2015 (LWI) - Five years after Lutherans asked Mennonites to forgive violence against their ancestors, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)…
Junge’s perspective on “From Conflict to Communion” in Scherer Lecture at Chicago
(LWI) – As Lutherans and Roman Catholics jointly tell the Reformation story, they offer a powerful witness to a fragmented world, says Rev. Dr Martin Junge…
General Secretary Junge receives University of Notre Dame honorary doctorate
“A great honor and encouragement to continue leaving conflict behind and face a future of unity,” is how Rev. Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary of The Lutheran…