From Conflict to Communion study guide helps movement toward unity
(LWI) – Lutherans and Catholics in the United States are discussing how to mark the common commemoration of the Reformation in 2017 using a new Study Guide on the historic…
Junge’s perspective on “From Conflict to Communion” in Scherer Lecture at Chicago
(LWI) – As Lutherans and Roman Catholics jointly tell the Reformation story, they offer a powerful witness to a fragmented world, says Rev. Dr Martin Junge…
Lutherans and Catholics in the United States follow up on Joint Commemoration in Lund
(LWI) On 2 March the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops’ Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Committee and the United States…
Bishop Barbara Collins (ELCA) reflects on the Retreat of Newly Elected Leaders
LWI – Barbara Collins (59) was elected Bishop of the Upper Susquehanna Synod – one of 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – for a…
Leaders of five Christian World Communions attend ecumenical prayer service
(LWI) – An ecumenical prayer service in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, United States, marked the opening of a four-…
Five Christian communions proclaim anew the good news of God's liberating grace
(LWI) - Participants at a historic gathering of church leaders from five Christian World Communions have issued a statement recommitting themselves to…