Asia Pre-Assembly participants discuss LWF Twelfth Assembly themes
(LWI) – What does it mean to be liberated by God's grace? From what and to what are we liberated? What does it mean to say that salvation, human beings and creation are…
Syrians Ahmad and Haneen share talents in Za’atari
(LWI) - Tortured and forced to abandon university, Ahmad and Haneen are now overcoming adversity to support refugees at The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)-run camp in Za’atari, Jordan.…
(LWI) - A career with the LWF provides not only the opportunity to carry out work that is worthwhile, but in a large number of cases offers a meaningful professional path.
The Lutheran World Federation's Colombia program is one of four organizations in Colombia to have been been awarded a joint grant of two million euros from the European Union to attend to the humanitarian needs of rural, afro-descendant and…
Lutheran World Federation produces new study document
Through its member churches, programs and projects, the Lutheran World Federation has been heavily involved in community-based action for peace and justice and human rights advocacy.…