Regional inter-religious conference to protect children on the move
(LWI) - “Faith actors have a key role to keep the moral compass of Europe in check.” Rev Dr Sivin Kit, LWF Program Executive for Public Theology and Interreligious…
LWF speaks at Canadian Parliament on human rights in Rakhine State
(LWI) - “Humanitarian needs in Rakhine, Myanmar are a complex set of vulnerabilities arising from natural disasters, ethnic tensions, armed conflict, statelessness,…
Webinar explores "Dialogue despite distance" in exceptional times
(LWI) - "COVID-19 has become something like a magnifying glass that has exposed the state of some of the seams that hold together the fabric of human life and relationships…
Leadership and equity important topics for future work
(LWI) – Seeking models to address mental illness, bringing youth living on the streets to join in tree-planting initiatives, pooling resources to fund education for fellow youth and…
LWF leader sends message of support to ELCA following storming of U.S. Capitol
(LWI) - The global Lutheran family stands with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) as it seeks to accompany, reconcile and work for justice and…
LWF and partners launch call for accelerated climate adaptation
(LWI) - Joining UN bodies and international humanitarian organizations, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is calling for accelerated climate adaptation to mitigate and…