On last Tuesday some of us in the delegation took some time away from the COP20 and travelled out to visit the congregation, Vida Nueva, in the district of San Juan de Miraflores. Vida Nueva is a young…
This past Sunday, our delegation from the LWF to the COP 20 had the privilege to attend a church service here in Lima. Amidst the constant talk of mitigation, adaptation, climate finance—acronyms such as ADP, INDC's,…
With a slightly lighter tone, I think it is a good time to comment on the fashion styling’s of several COP delegates and observers. International conferences are always a good time to see…
December 10th saw Lima play host to Latin America's largest climate march in history. With over 15,000 participants, people from all walks of life were represented. The LWF delegation to…
As much as it is a fact that Jantine Auguste Haumersen was the first woman pastor ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it was another woman (later to be ordained as pastor as well) who prepared the way…
Can you imagine carrying the LWF in your pocket? Or being connected to Lutherans around the world while waiting for the bus, getting ready for a youth meeting, sitting at home or being on the road somewhere far away?
One of the main issues discussed at the Asia Church Leadership Conference held in Taipei, Taiwan, 12–15 April 2015, was the need to strengthen the cooperation of Lutheran theological seminaries and colleges in Asia.…
Dr Sarah Hinlicky Wilson invites Lutherans to join a truly global community reading and discussing Luther's theology online in preparation for the Reformation jubilee in 2017.