This past Sunday, our delegation from the LWF to the COP 20 had the privilege to attend a church service here in Lima. Amidst the constant talk of mitigation, adaptation, climate finance—acronyms such as ADP, INDC's,…
With a slightly lighter tone, I think it is a good time to comment on the fashion styling’s of several COP delegates and observers. International conferences are always a good time to see…
For those who have no idea about what is going on with Climate Change negotiations at the global level, I will try to make my points as simply as possible, without any technical abbreviations or jargon. First, let’s…
December 10th saw Lima play host to Latin America's largest climate march in history. With over 15,000 participants, people from all walks of life were represented. The LWF delegation to…
The “spirit of Geneva” was strong, according to the representative from Venezuela, as she made her closing comments to the parties and observers gathered at the Palais des Nations at the end of the 8-13…
The notion that creation is a treasure and not to be exploited is a major theme of the upcoming 12th assembly of the Lutheran World Federation and was discussed extensively at the recent Africa leadership conference in Marangu, Tanzania. Here,…
Africa is probably the continent most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a situation worsened by its poor state of ecomonic delveopment and poor ability to adapt, write Lutherans, Pranita Biswasi and Sascha…
Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire de la création a été racontée dans la Bible. Les scientifiques ont aussi fait leur récit de la création. Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire du climat à travers les ères géographiques, les…