LWF Council concern over violence against religious minorities
GENEVA, 3 August 2015 (LWI) - At its 2015 meeting, the Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) adopted a resolution on the Middle East, voicing concern about violence…
GENEVA, 5 August 2015 (LWI) - During its 2015 annual meeting, the Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) endorsed a resolution concerning migrants. In this resolution, it “expressed its…
LWF stands with 60 million displaced people on World Refugee Day
(LWI) - On World Refugees Day today, 20 June, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has reaffirmed its "profound concern" for refugees and forced migrants, in which 60 million…
Refugee athlete to give testimony at Ecumenical Commemoration
(LWI) – Olympic athlete and refugee Rose Nathike Lokonyen will be one of the speakers at the Joint Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration in Sweden on 31 October.
LWF Peace Oasis in Za’atari refugee camp offers hope for young refugees from Syria
(LWI) - “The LWF programs are useful because they help us to achieve our goals,” says Sumayah Hassan Al-Salem. The 19-year-old is a refugee from Syria and…
Starting a new life with a church family in Germany
(LWI) - The bells were what appealed to Adam Gnany. As a boy in Baghdad he had watched men tugging a rope to get the bells to ring. Today Gnany lives in Stuttgart. When he slips into the…
Report of the LWF General Secretary to the Council
LWI - In the coming years, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will work to further support member churches in their ministry and to strengthen the witness of the church in the world, LWF…
Year-end results for 2017 contribute to financial stability
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to report sound financial progress, recording a balanced budget and growth across the organization.