(LWI) – Almost 500 years after the Reformation, which pitted Lutherans and Catholics against each other for centuries, leaders of the two traditions gathered in…
Monday’s prayer service in Lund Cathedral has moved Catholics and Lutherans toward greater cooperation and invited them to rejoice in the gifts that have come to the Church through the Reformation. With the…
(LWI) A joint ecumenical service commemorating the Reformation last week was one of a number of ecumenical events convened by Catholics and Lutherans in France.
(LWI) - Women and men from all regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are taking part in the first LWF seminar for lay people in church leadership positions, from 19 to 28 January at the LWF Center…
Lutherans and Catholics in the Holy Land follow up on Joint Commemoration in Lund
(LWI) In celebration of years of cooperation and dialogue already nurtured in the Holy Land, church leaders from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan…
(LWI) – The Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation co-hosted by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Catholic Church in Lund Cathedral and Malmö Arena on 31 October last year has inspired further ecumenical steps in Lund…
Lutherans and Catholics in the United States follow up on Joint Commemoration in Lund
(LWI) On 2 March the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Conference of Bishops’ Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Committee and the United States…