Council members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed solidarity with the people most affected by climate change and severe weather events by joining in the Fast for the Climate campaign and calling upon the Lutheran Communion to join…
(LWI) – Addressing the root causes of inequality and caring for those who suffer most are the areas where religions can strongly contribute to society. This was the conclusion of the…
(LWI) – The LWF Council meeting in Medan, Indonesia from 11 – 17 June, 2014 adopted six public statements, reflecting issues discussed at Council and concerns of member churches brought…
Changes in Departments, Welcome to New Member Churches
(LWI) – The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) concluded its meeting in Medan, Indonesia, with decisions on ecumenical dialogues, finance and the work of the respective…
Calling for Respect of Spiritually Significant Places
(LWI) - The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) at its 2014 meeting endorsed the Universal Code of Conduct on Holy Sites. This document, developed in consultation…
LWF Council adopts resolution on the Situation in North-East and Central Nigeria
(LWI) - During its meeting in Geneva this week, the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) adopted a resolution on the situation in North-East and…
LWF Council calls for action on number of urgent issues
(LWI) - The governing body of the Lutheran World Federation has highlighted a number of issues that need the urgent attention of churches and the international community. On the…
Voices from the Communion – Rev. William Flippin Jr
Rev. William Flippin Jr is a strong advocate of ecumenism. In addition to serving as a pastor at his church in Atlanta, United States, he sits on the council of the…