Faith is a key resource for many women fleeing from conflicts, climate emergencies or gender-based violence. LWF and partners are exploring ways of strengthening the role of religious leaders and other faith actors in preventing violence against…
How can we end gender-based violence, and how can we become a more gender-just communion? These questions were raised at the recent meeting of the Network for Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment in Central and Western Europe.
How can church leaders and faith communities step up and support the struggle to end violence against women and girls? An ecumenical panel of activists explores practical action at the start of the annual 16 Days of Activism campaign.
(LWI) – On World Humanitarian Day (WHD) in 2014, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has paid special tribute to the commitment of its country program staff across world, and…
Tribute to “Enormous Sacrifices” Made by Humanitarians and Their Families
(LWI) – “Humanitarian workers make enormous sacrifices. Many are separated from their families and sacrifice their health, relationships and resources, and…
"Of course I want to go back home. I miss my country."
« Om mani padmi om »… The old woman mumbles while touching the prayer wheels outside the stupa- or gomba- in the Tishaling Tibetan Settlement near Pokhara, Nepal. There are four…
“We know and appreciate the commitment from each one of you.”
Geneva, 14 August 2015, (LWI) –Lutheran World Federation country program staff are courageous and compassionate in their efforts to bring life-saving relief to refugees and…
Human Rights Day throws light on abuses in Colombia
(LWI) - "We were left alone with our children. Suddenly we had to be like both parents to them. It was a terrible burden and seemed to be getting worse each day," recalls Yaneth Perez, a…
How a youth network changes society in Central America
(LWI) - “The activities I participated in have allowed me to strengthen my self-esteem and learn to value myself as a woman," says Vanessa Martinez, a 20-year-old from San Ramon, a…