A Portrait of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Kazakhstan
(LWI) - "When you meet for Sunday worship, remember: you are doing this along with 75 million other Christians on this earth who are also part of the Lutheran…
Church leaders gather to reflect on being church during difficult times in Africa
(LWI) - An extended Lutheran Council in Africa (LUCA) consultation held by the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) from 22-25 October in Ethiopia, reflected on…
LWF speaks at Canadian Parliament on human rights in Rakhine State
(LWI) - “Humanitarian needs in Rakhine, Myanmar are a complex set of vulnerabilities arising from natural disasters, ethnic tensions, armed conflict, statelessness,…
LWF project enables Rohingya children with disabilities to attend school
(LWI) – Going to school is difficult for the about 30,000 internally displaced Rohingya children in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Even more, if the child is living with a…
Webinar from refugee camp in Kenya, brings voices of young refugees
(LWI) - Young women in Kakuma refugee camp face many obstacles when aiming for equal opportunities as men and boys. In a webinar: “Emerging Women who Choose to Challenge…
Water essential for protection in times of COVID-19
(LWI) - One year after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic; many people still live without access to clean and safe water. "Access to water is still a problem in many places where we work…