Commemoration of Haiti Earthquake in LWF Model Village
PETIONVILLE, Haiti/ GENEVA, 12 January 2015 (LWI) - “Li mouri, li mouri…” (He is dead, he is dead). Fabiola is crying in deep grief when she is relaying her story. She is one of 16…
(LWI) – Wreaths of sesame, sorghum and peanut plants are the first tangible results of the project “Seeds for Solutions” implemented by The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and UNHCR in…
(LWI) – UNHRC’s partnership with the LWF is “extremely valuable” said UNHCR Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa George Okoth-Obbo and Director of the Division of External Relations Daniel Endres speaking…
Interview with Roland Schlott, LWF Humanitarian Coordinator
(LWI) - At its first meeting in 2015, the Lutheran World Federation Committee for World Service was informed about the opening of an emergency operation in Iraq. The LWF has been…
(LWI) – LWF staff who were detained in Jiech while traveling on a UN flight in South Sudan have been released and arrived safely in the South Sudanese capital of Juba.
LWF Program Provides Education to Children in Conflict
(LWI) – By now they should know if they have studied hard enough: From 30 January to 2 February 2015, 202 students sat their primary level examination in Ajoung Thok refugee camp.…
(LWI) – Since 1949, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Jerusalem program has offered a vocational training program for Palestinian youth. The program provides training in automobile repair, carpentry,…
Second phase for EU project in Rakhine State Launched
(LWI) – On 4 February 2015, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Myanmar program launched a new educational assistance project in Rakhine State with support of European Union (EU)…
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will partner with the UN refugee agency UNHCR to assist refugees in Cameroon. After conducting an assessment in 2014, LWF developed a concept note for…