Africa Regional Workshop: Gender Justice, Hermeneutics and Development

Africa Regional Workshop: Gender Justice, Hermeneutics and Development

8 Nov – 15 Nov 2014
Invitation Only

This workshop aims to increase capacity and strengthen networking among African theologians in the LWF communion.

A further goal is to deepen the knowledge and understanding of Lutheran hermeneutics.

Participants also will improve their ability to carry out sound biblical interpretation and gender justice analysis informed by contextual realities.

The methodology will draw on the Department for Mission and Development’s mentorship program which seeks to empower young women scholars.

Departments: Department for Mission and Development, Department for Theology and Public Witness

Programs: Gender Justice & Women’s Empowerment, Lutheran Hermeneutics, Religion and Development, Reformation 2017

Event series: Religion and Development regional workshops; LWF Gender Justice Policy implementation meetings (women theologians network)

Language:  English

Photo: LWF/I. Benesch

Photo: LWF/I. Benesch

10:15 - 16:00

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