“And It Is Good” photo exhibition launch
“And It Is Good” photo exhibition launch
The Bible and biodiversity
On Thursday 26 September at 12:30 the photo exhibition “And It Is Good” will be launched in the lobby of the Ecumenical Centre, 150 route de Ferney, Geneva. The exhibition pairs photos of nature and creation with verses from the Bible. The exhibition is launched in New York and Geneva in the week of the Climate Action Summit, to draw attention to the importance of biodiversity affirm the creation is good.
It is jointly presented by ACT Alliance, The Lutheran World Federation, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and the World Council of Churches. The exhibition will be on display in countries around the world until the COP25 Climate Conference in Santiago, Chile, in December, where it will be on display during the conference
The exhibition will be opened by Bishop Solveig Fiske, the Church of Norway and Bishop Solveig Lara Gudmundsdottir, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland in the presence of the general secretaries of the LWF Rev. Dr Martin Junge and the WCC Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit.
About the exhibition
“In a time marked by climate change, habitat loss and mass extinction, we invite you to reflect on the web of life,” the introduction to the exhibition states.
“Biodiversity is an ecological concept. It reminds us that healthy ecosystems depend on a diversity of flora, fauna and minerals.” At the same time biodiversity is a theological concept, it “is the wisdom of God woven into the fabric of creation.”
“And It Is Good” features photographs by Jonny Baker, Stéphane Gallay, Sean Hawkey, Albin Hillert, Cornelia Kästner, Joanna Lindén-Montes, and Johanan Celine Valeriano. Stéphane Gallay designed the exhibition. It was curated by Árni Svanur Daníelsson and Chad Rimmer.
The exhibition forms a part of the Season of Creation, a joint ecumenical celebration of prayer and action to protect creation.
More information
The wisdom of God woven into the fabric of creation - LWF Press release 20th September 2019
Bible, biodiversity portrayed via photo exhibition in New York and Geneva"- WCC Press release 20th September 2019
Media contacts
ACT Alliance
Daniela Varano, Communication Officer, Phone:+41 22 791 63 34
The Lutheran World Federation
Rev. Arni Svanur Daníelsson, Head of Communication, The Lutheran World Federation, tel. +41 78 929 9686, [email protected]
World Council of Churches
Marianne Ejdersten, WCC Director of Communication ,
e-mail: [email protected], mobile phone: +41 79 507 63 63
LWF News
Earth Day: Rethinking our ecological footprint 22 April 2020 GENEVA, Switzerland COP25 in pictures 17 December 2019 MADRID, Spain/GENEVA “We must hear the cry of the Earth” 13 December 2019 MADRID, Spain/GENEVA Indonesia: Advocating for climate justice 12 December 2019 PEMATANGSINTAR, Indonesia/GENEVA

Six previews of the photos in the exhibition, depicting nature in it's diversity. Photo: LWF