Asia Women Lead Consultation

Asia Women Lead Consultation

2 Oct – 3 Oct 2019
Invitation Only

Women of the Asia Church Leadership Conference Called and Empowered to lead in action for Gender Justice at all levels

The Gender Justice and Women’s Empowerment program invites women leaders of the LWF member churches in Asia to put our faith in action as we are called to strategize, plan and lead processes in each context to overcome violence in the churches and work together to promote Gender Justice at all levels.  This work is grounded in shared biblical/ theological values, including a re-reading of scripture from a Gender Justice lens and women’s empowerment from a human rights and faith perspective.


Registration deadline: 31st August 2019


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Related Resources

16 Days 2021 - Resources 16 November 2021 LWF participates each year in the 16 Days of Activism campaign to end gender-based violence, which takes place from 25 November to 10 December. Department for Theology, Mission and Justice Women Advocacy Handbook 3 April 2019 A composition of articles that aims to strengthen the churches and FBOs capacity to advocate for women’s human rights from a faith perspective. Women on the Move 19 July 2018 This publication is for both, men and women, who have been touched by Faith, kissed awake by hope and transformed by love. Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019) The Participation of Women in the Ordained Ministry and Leadership in LWF Member Churches 29 March 2017 A baseline assessment among LWF member churches carried forward in 2016 on the proportion of women in decision-making positions and in the ordained ministry. Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019)


A workshop, hosted by the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, to enhance capacities for diakonia in the South-East Asian region. Jenet Mogimbong, diaconal worker from Malaysia, talks about her church’s kindergarten project. Photo: LWF/M. Dölker

A workshop, hosted by the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, to enhance capacities for diakonia in the South-East Asian region. Jenet Mogimbong, diaconal worker from Malaysia, talks about her church’s kindergarten project. Photo: LWF/M. Dölker

2 Oct – 3 Oct 2019
-All day

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