CANCELED | LWF global leaders at 64th Commission on the Status of Women
CANCELED | LWF global leaders at 64th Commission on the Status of Women
In view of growing concern worldwide about the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), the LWF has cancelled events that involve international travel for staff and other participants during the months of March and April. The situation is being monitored, in the hope of finding alternative schedules or other ways of convening.
For further information please contact the Program staff.
Beijing+25: Realizing Gender Equality and Empowerment of all women and girls
Twenty-five years after the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, this meeting will celebrate progress and confront major new challenges that threaten women’s rights today.
Drawing on faith as a wellspring for tackling gender injustice, Lutheran leaders actively participated in the Beijing process, paving the way for major changes in our churches and wider societies.
But mainstreaming gender justice while challenging sexism, violence and discrimination is an ongoing task that requires the engagement of all. The Commission on the Status of Women is an unparalleled platform for skills building, awareness raising and global advocacy.
Partnering with other faith-based organizations, Lutheran leaders will participate in events that highlight successes and challenges from different parts of our global communion. A panel entitled “Women of Power: Beyond Beijing to Face the Future” will share lessons learned in the struggle to eliminate economic, social, and religious barriers that prevent women and girls from leading dignified and fulfilling lives.
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LWF delegation in New York during the 63rd session of the UN Committee on the Status of Women. Photo: LWF