Climate justice: Setting the scene for resilient development pathways

Climate justice: Setting the scene for resilient development pathways

13 Jun 2022
Open to All

Promoting a swift operationalization of the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) 

During a side event at the Bonn Climate Conference, the LWF and its interfaith partners discuss how to best implement the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA)

According to the Paris Agreement, the GGA aims for parties 

  • to enhance adaptive capacity and resilience; 
  • to reduce vulnerability, with a view to contributing to sustainable development; 
  • and ensuring an adequate adaptation response in the context of the goal of holding average global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius and pursuing efforts to hold it below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • The side event provides a forum to discuss urgent adaptation action from science, practice, and policy perspectives, building the global understanding of adaptation and shaping multilateral momentum. 

It advocates for effective adaptation policies at the core of global climate decision-making and for ensuring gender justice. 


  • James Bhagwan (Pacific Conference of Churches) 
  • Adriana Vásques (La Ruta del Clima) 
  • Patricia Nying'uru (IPCC Focal Point, Kenya & G77 Science focal point) 
  • Khulekani Magwaza (ELSCA) 
  • Alejandra Scampini (PODER) 
  • EU negotiator on Adaptation (tbc) 


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A dry lake not far from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. Photo: YODA Adaman, Unsplash 

A dry lake not far from Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. Photo: YODA Adaman, Unsplash 

18:00 - 19:30

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