Equipping Public Theologians for the Common Good

Equipping Public Theologians for the Common Good

15 Oct 2021
Open to All

This event launches the open access public theology resources aimed at equipping member churches for engagement for the common good

The lecture series in the open-access resource revolves around the topic of public theology and is the result of cooperation between the Berlin Institute for Public Theology in Germany, the Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology in South Africa, and the Lutheran World Federation. It brings together leading experts from all over the world delivering lectures on different aspects of public theology.

Recorded during the Covid-19 pandemic in various contexts, each lecture contains a presentation (both in video and audio formats) with accompanying slides, additional study material and supplementary reading. The lecture series was first offered to graduate students in Berlin and Stellenbosch; the series is part of the Lutheran World Federation learning modules, but is also designed to benefit all students in areas where study material and travel are difficult due to lack of funds or opportunities.  

Welcome and Moderator:

  • Rev Dr Sivin Kit, Program Executive for Public Theology and Interreligious Relations, the Lutheran World Federation

Keynote Address

  • Rev Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary, the Lutheran World Federation

Opening Remarks

  • Rev Philip Peacock, Acting General Secretary for Programmes World Communion of Reformed Churches 
  • Prof. Dr Simone Sinn, Academic Dean of the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, World Council of Churches

Introducing the Open-Access Resources

  • Prof. Dr Torsten Meireis, Director, Berlin Institute of Public Theology, Humboldt University

Short Video Presentation 

Conversation with Contributors

  • PD Dr Frederike van Oorschot, Director of Department of Religion, Law & Culture, Forschungsstäte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FESt), Heidelberg University
  • Prof. Dr Rothney Tshaka, Director of the School of Humanities in the College of Human Sciences at the University of South Africa
  • Rev. Dr Seferosa Carroll, Program Executive for Mission and Mission from the Margins, World Council of Churches

Closing Remarks

Prof. Dr Dion Forster, Director of the Beyers Naudé Center for Public Theology, Stellenbosch University


Registration on Zoom

Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

19:00 - 20:00

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