Faith-based Action for scaling up for a culture of encounter with people seeking refuge

Faith-based Action for scaling up for a culture of encounter with people seeking refuge

16 Dec 2019
Open to All

How faith-based organizations create impactful pledges in support of refugees towards the Global Refugee Forum

Opening remarks: Aloysius John, Secretary General, and Caritas Internationalis

  1. Permanent Mission of Uganda (tbc)
  2. Dominique Froideveaux, director, Caritas, Geneva
  3. Youth delegates from Caritas Greece and Caritas Sofia
  4. Rev Dr Sivin Kit and Mr Atallah Fitzgibbon, Faith Partnership Advisors Lutheran World Federation and Islamic Relief
  5. Mantalin Kyrou, Policy Officer, ICMC
  6. Christian Wolff, Program Manager Migration and Displacement, ACT Alliance
  7. Experience sharing with refugees living in Geneva, Rev. Michel Schach
  8. Unveiling of "Share the Journey" collage

Closing remarks: Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo, Secretary General, ICMC

Moderation: Alfonso Apicella, Global Campaigns Manager, Caritas Internationalis

Photos and messages will be posted to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #ShareJourney and #CompartiendoElViaje

The event is co-hosted by ACT Alliance, Anglican Communion, Caritas Internationalis, International Catholic Migration Commission, Islamic Relief , Jesuit Refugee Service (tbc), World Evangelical Alliance, Lutheran World Federation, Caritas Genève, Order of Malta, Associazione Papa Giovanni XXIII, Permanent Mission of the Holy See.

Walking under the protection of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Juchit·n, Oaxaca. This man carried her image, almost as if it were a religious procession, all the way from the border with Guatemala. Photo: LWF/ Sean Hawkey

Walking under the protection of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Juchit·n, Oaxaca. This man carried her image, almost as if it were a religious procession, all the way from the border with Guatemala. Photo: LWF/ Sean Hawkey

13:00 - 14:30

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