Guest lecture by Torild Skard

Guest lecture by Torild Skard

3 Oct 2016
Open to All

The Lutheran World Federation is pleased to support The International Alliance of Women and the World Council of Churches a guest lecture by Torild Skard, Norwegian politician, researcher and author of Women in Power: half a century of female presidents and prime ministers worldwide. The lecture will be followed by a panel of distinguished speakers on the subject of women in top leadership and decision-making positions

Whilst women around the world are slowly winning better representation in top leadership positions in political and social spheres, they still face many barriers preventing them fulfilling both their potential and contribution to national and global social, political and economic development goals. Recognition of the relationship between women’s leadership roles and women’s empowerment, global development, prosperity and peace has pushed this issue further up the global development agenda.

Skard is an author and senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Leader of the Norwegian Women’s Rights Association and member of the International Alliance of Women, former Assistant Secretary General of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director for women’s questions in UNESCO, Paris, and Regional Director for UNICEF in West and Central Africa. Skard has written extensively about issues related to the United Nations and development, women and children.


17:30 - Drinks reception, welcome by Madame Esther Alder (Conseillère administrative de la Ville de Genève)

18:00 – Welcome and introduction - Dr Isabel Phiri (Associate General Secretary, World Council of Churches), Joanna Manganara (President International Alliance of Women), Simone Ovart (President, NGO Committee on the Stauts of Women, ZONTA International)

18:10 - Keynote speech and Q&A - “Women of Power” by Torild

18:55 - Panel presentations and discussion - Dr Catherine Bosshart (Executive Secretary, International Federation of Business and Professional Women), Dr Fulata L. Moyo (Programme Executive for Women in Church and Society, World Council of Churches), Rev. Dr Elaine Neuenfeldt (Secretary for Women in Church and Society, Department for Theology and Public Witness, the Lutheran World Federation), Sara Llort (Interim Secretary General, World Young Women’s Christian Association). Moderator: Dr Isabel Phiri (Associate General Secretary, World Council of Churches)

19:55 - Closing statement and vote of thanks - Joanna Manganara (President International Alliance of Women)

Autographed copies of Women of Power will be on sale for 25CHF, a 35% reduction off the normal price.

18:30 - 21:00

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