International Women's Day 2017

International Women's Day 2017

8 Mar 2017
Open to All

This year's International Women’s Day theme is “Be Bold for Change” — a call on people to help forge a better working world - a more gender-inclusive world. It is a time to reflect on how far we've come and just how far we still must go before women around the world truly achieve gender justice.

On this day we recognize and celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide, but also remember those who suffer because of gender inequality.

In 2017, we especially think about the survivors of gender-based violence, which is increasingly used as a weapon to destroy communities in armed conflicts, such as in our featured story from the South Sudanese refugee crisis in Uganda. At the same time we recognize and celebrate the women who overcome traditional boundaries and who find their voice in advocating for the rights for others. Read and share the example of Basanti Chaudhary, who has been advocating against bonded labor and for the freedom of thousands of men and women in Nepal.


LWF supports survivors of gender-based violence in South Sudan. 

With hundreds of refugees still arriving in northern Uganda every day, it is an overwhelming challenge to protect the vulnerable and to support the survivors of gender-based violence.

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LWF Gender Justice: Where are we today?

For this year’s international women’s day the WICAS have collected six examples highlighting where we stand with gender justice commitments. The presentation in the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva will be followed by a Call to Action by LWF General Secretary Martin Junge.

We'll be live on the LWF Facebook Page at 3pm (Geneva Time)

WICAS website

Gender Justice Policy

LWF on Facebook

The dream of freedom

A former house servant becomes an advocate against bonded labor. Chaudhary joined a women's group formed by LWF and a local partner. LWF has been advocating against bonded labor in Nepal for 35 years. 

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01:00 - 01:00

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