Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation

Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation

31 Oct 2016
Open to All

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Roman Catholic Church jointly held an ecumenical commemoration of the Reformation on 31 October 2016 in Lund, Sweden.

Locally co-hosted by the Church of Sweden and the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, the event highlighted the solid ecumenical developments between Catholics and Lutherans and the joint gifts received through dialogue, particularly in anticipation of the 500th Reformation anniversary in 2017. It was held in two parts: a common prayer service in Lund Cathedral and a public event at Malmö Arena.

The cathedral service followed the Common Prayer liturgical guide, based on the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue report From Conflict to Communion. Malmö Arena was stage for activities focusing on the commitment to common witness and service of Catholics and Lutherans in the world. Pope Francis, LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge led the common prayer service and arena event in conjunction with leaders from Church of Sweden and the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm. Proceeds from Malmö Arena ticket sales were earmarked to support projects of The Lutheran World Federation and Caritas Internationalis with Syrian refugees in the Middle East.




Both the liturgy in Lund Cathedral and the event in Malmö Arena will be livestreamed.  The schedule is as follows:

14:30 CET Common Prayer in Lund Cathedral

16:45 CET Together in Hope in Malmö Arena



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Photos and video

Photos and video posted to the Church of Sweden site. Available for use, provided correctly credited.

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Frequently asked questions

Joint Commemoration News

Milestones in 50 years of dialogue

Buy tickets

Malmö Arena tickets

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Tickets for public event available here

Media accreditation

Media accreditation

Media accreditation

Sing up to cover the Commemoration

Lund website

Joint Commemoration website

Lund website

Information and updates on the Commemoration


Together in Hope in Malmö Arena


Seating for 10,000 at Malmö event


A symbol of life and hope


Painting the official cross of the Joint Commemoration

Press release

Joint Ecumenical Commemoration to be held Lund Cathedral, Malmö Arena

Press release

Liturgy in cathedral followed by public event at arena


What unites us is stronger than what divides us


Member churches should deepen relations with the Catholic Church globally and at the grassroots

Press release

Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund

Press release

Pope Francis, LWF President Bishop Younan and General Secretary Junge to lead October event

Read the prayer

Common prayer

Read the prayer

Joint prayer for the Reformation Commemoration

Kurt Cardinal Koch (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Bishop Dr Munib Younan (LWF President), Pope Franics and Rev. Dr Martin Junge, lead the Common Prayer in Lund Cathedral on 31 October 2016. Photo Photo: Church of Sweden/Magnus Aronson

Kurt Cardinal Koch (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), Bishop Dr Munib Younan (LWF President), Pope Franics and Rev. Dr Martin Junge, lead the Common Prayer in Lund Cathedral on 31 October 2016. Photo Photo: Church of Sweden/Magnus Aronson

09:00 - 18:00

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