KALME and LWF European Communicators’ Meeting
KALME and LWF European Communicators’ Meeting
We are not ashamed of the Gospel
The meeting of European communicators will explore the theme “We are not ashamed of the Gospel”. Questions to be touched on are, amongst others: What does this mean for church communicators theologically and practically? How does this find expression in the LWF as a communion of churches? How do Lutherans deal with the Gospel in the public space? Does the Gospel give tools to address fake news?
As the meeting takes place in Strasbourg, France, participants will use the opportunity to visit European institutions, the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg and the Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine (UEPAL).

LWF head of communications Ãrni Svanur Danielsson (right) and Dr Jerzy Janusz Sojka from the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland take photos during the LWF Council meeting 2018. Photo: LWF/ Albin Hillert