Local leadership of humanitarian action

Local leadership of humanitarian action

14 Jun 2021
Open to All

Engaging local and national faith-based actors in crisis response

CAFOD, Christian Aid, ACT Alliance, Tearfund, Islamic Relief Worldwide and the Lutheran World Federation have come together to organize this event on the eve of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting. The even aims to discuss the important role of local and national faith-based actors in crisis response, to hear of existing good practices and to identify ways to strengthen this engagement.

Recent years have brought momentum amongst donors and UN coordination actors in identifying more targeted ways to engage and support specific sections of local civil society in humanitarian action. Across coordination, funding and partnership efforts, both donors and humanitarian agencies are translating their policy commitment to engaging different categories of civil society into a more practical and predictable approach. Yet, although good and promising practices on engaging national and local faith-based organizations (FBOs) exists across different agencies and various contexts, it is not yet systematically shared.

Over the past year, the global COVID-19 pandemic brought once again a recognition of the role of faith actors, and some innovations at a practical level. Yet evaluations and reflections with local FBO partners also point to numerous gaps and challenges. This webinar will take stock of efforts to date and reflect on ways forward; based on insights from national and local FBO partners, UN agencies and donors. A keynote address will also be shared by Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale, O.M.I. of Johannesburg, South Africa.


  • The Lutheran World Federation
  • Christian Aid
  • ACT Alliance
  • Tearfund
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide



Language: English


LWF food security project in Shumes hah, Lalibela, Ethiopia. Through a cash for work program funded by the Canadian food grain bank, local farmers build irrigation channels and terraces for food and water conservation. 2017.  Photo: LWF/ C. Kästner

LWF food security project in Shumes hah, Lalibela, Ethiopia. Through a cash for work program funded by the Canadian food grain bank, local farmers build irrigation channels and terraces for food and water conservation. 2017. Photo: LWF/ C. Kästner

16:00 - 17:45

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