LWF LAC Leadership Conference

LWF LAC Leadership Conference

7 Apr – 10 Apr 2015
Invitation Only

Hosted by the Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church in La Paz, the Lutheran World Federation's Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC) Leadership Conference will focus on the topic of Diakonia though the lenses of the LWF theme “Liberated by God’s Grace”.

The pastoral dimension responds to request of leaders in the 2014 COL with the goal to share pastoral practices for mutual learning, while the theological dimension will encompass these practical aspects with an analysis of the main aspects for doing diakonia from the Lutheran identity.

The Conference aims at enriching the diaconal work of churches in the region and attempting to define how to organize that work.

Language: Spanish with simultaneous English translation



Rev. Emiliio Aslla (left), Pastor President of the Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church and Rev. Eduardo Martinez (right), former LAC Leadership Conference Moderator.

Rev. Emiliio Aslla (left), Pastor President of the Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church and Rev. Eduardo Martinez (right), former LAC Leadership Conference Moderator.

11:00 - 21:30

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