LWF Youth calls for a Revival of our Churches!
LWF Youth calls for a Revival of our Churches!
Join the Global Young Reformers’ Network (GYRN) for the online discussion on April 13th to share your ideas and thoughts!
"To be a thriving church, we must have an active and strong membership in both church and society. We are grounded in the Gospel, centered in worship, gathered at the table, and sent to serve in mission.
We must be bold, flexible and proud of our Lutheran identity in the face of ever-present change. We are not limited by the divisions of our past and affirm the LWF statement, “The Church in the Public Space.”
Staying rooted in the Gospel, we must honor our diversity and contextualize worship throughout the communion while improving our work to spread the Gospel and being a welcoming communion. Lutheran youth play a significant role with the revival of churches and share this responsibility with the whole church.Intergenerational dialogue and leadership are essential to this task"
LWF youth Pre-Assembly message 2017
Assembly resolution on strategic priorities and church revival

Delegates at Youth Pre-Assembly, Windhoek, Namibia, May 2017. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert