Peace Messenger Training
Peace Messenger Training
A training for young people from LWF member churches around the world.
The primary objective of this LWF Youth program is capacity building for youth to become well equipped “Peace Messengers”. This will be accomplished in three ways. The first is to equip them to serve as advocates for peace, as mediators, and as leaders in their communities. The second is to provide spaces for inter-group dialogue and discussion in order to foster understanding. Lastly, the project will involve the community’s senior leadership, to both encourage intergenerational dialogue and to provide positive role models for peace building.
The five-day workshop includes sessions on understanding peace and conflict, conflict analysis and conflict resolution. The peace messenger training moreover includes an additional part which aims to enable participants to plan and facilitate trainings in their own communities.
The training is designed to include participants from different communities and different faiths.
The "Peace Messengers Training Kit" will be published by December 2017 to be used by LWF member churches.