Peacebuilding from Below: The Role of Local Civil Society in South Sudan

Peacebuilding from Below: The Role of Local Civil Society in South Sudan

28 Sep 2016
Open to All

This is the topic of an event jointly organized by the Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative (IPTI), the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Finn Church Aid (FCA)

Peacebuilding is generally perceived as the task of state actors, political parties and international bodies. Therefore, the role of local communities, traditional authorities and tribal elders, women and youth, and faith-based groups is often overlooked. However, throughout South Sudan’s protracted civil wars, civil society has been a central peacebuilding actor. It has advocated for peace, facilitated dialogues and protected citizens against violence.  This event seeks to shed light on the peacebuilding contributions of unsung peace agents and grassroots civil society.


Words of Introduction

  • Rev. Dr. Martin Junge, General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation


  • Dr. Thania Paffenholz, Director of the Inclusive Peace and Transition Initiative at The Graduate Institute


  • Fr. James Oyet Latansio, General Secretary of South Sudan Council of Churches, FBOs representative at Addis Ababa Peace talk
  • Ms. Teohna Williams, Conflict Advisor on South Sudan
  • Mr. Joseph Amanya, Acting Executive Director of the Human Rights Development Organization and Coordinator of the Transitional Justice Working Group
  • Mr. Matthias Wevelsiep, Right to Peace Senior Advisor of Finn Church Aid


Register for Event



Photo: Larco Lomoyat

Photo: Larco Lomoyat

19:30 - 21:00

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