Raise your voice in faith for climate justice

Raise your voice in faith for climate justice

13 May 2021
Open to All

How you can influence COP26 and your nation’s climate change commitments

One of the key pillars for mobilizing international commitment to address climate change within the Paris Agreement is the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

NDCs enable each country to create a unique set of commitments to mitigate climate change. They measure the progress made to achieve these commitments and include an obligation to review achievements every five years.

The coming months before COP26 are critical for making progress on climate policy and action. The numerous effects of the COVID-19 pandemic should not make us forget the climate crisis and its far-reaching consequences.

The review process of the NDCs provides an opportunity for people of faith to contribute to effective change and advocate for the care for creation.

The webinar will include an exchange among the participants to discuss opportunities for taking advocacy actions to raise their country’s commitments to the NDCs. Also, participants will have the chance to get acquainted with and discuss case studies of people who have acted on NDCs in different countries.

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) invites you to this webinar as part of the Global Prayer and Action Chain for Climate Justice.


Zoom registration

Event languages: English, Spanish, French


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Relevant Resources

The critical role of faith actors in national climate debate 26 June 2020 This LWF brochure explains the NDCs, and the rationale for the communion’s member churches and other faith-based actors to contribute to the process at both the local and national levels. Department for Theology, Mission and Justice Climate Justice postcards 8 June 2020 With examples taken from the LWFs advocacy work and projects in different countries, the postcard series portrays the connection between faith and the engagement for climate justice. Department for Theology, Mission and Justice Climate Finance for Addressing Loss and Damage 27 November 2019 The report introduces the climate justice criteria of mutuality, solidarity, accountability, and the transversal principle of transparency of finance for assessing financial sources to address loss and damage. Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019) Season of Creation - Celebration guide 2019 28 June 2019 This year, the theme for the season is biodiversity, God’s web of life. We invite you to consider the unique value of each creature in God’s wondrously complex web of life. Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019)

Faith-based participants gather for a demonstration of

Faith-based participants gather for a demonstration of

17:00 - 19:00

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