Religious Identity and Renewal: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations
Religious Identity and Renewal: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations
The conference will provide theological reflection on the dynamics of religious renewal with scholars from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions.
Religions carry strong visions of renewal and thereby have the potential to trigger dynamics of change in all spheres of human life.
Theological perspectives on renewal are shaped by how religious communities conceive of God, God’s presence and God’s action.
Furthermore, renewal of religious identity is informed by how religious communities interpret past, present, and future challenges to themselves, society and the world.
In our time of intensified religious diversity we have an opportunity to explore together the meaning of religious renewal across religious traditions.
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Program: Public Theology and Interreligious Relations
Language: English

Symposium participants. Photo: LWF/I. Benesch