Season of Creation 2020: webinar
Season of Creation 2020: webinar
Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope
Register for the webinar which has been planned by the Season of Creation steering committee and takes up this year's theme "Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope".
- Ruth Valerio - Tearfund
- Rei Crizaldo - Micah Global
- Martin Kopp - Commission on Ecology and Climate Justice of the French Protestant Federation
- Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam - Ecology and Creation Sector of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
- Ruth Padilla deBorst - Latin America Theological Fellowship
Moderated by:
- Chad Rimmer - The Lutheran World Federation
- Dave Bookless - A Rocha

The area of San José de León, Mutatá, Antioquia, Colombia, is rich in clean water - a great asset, but also a threat to the community, as mining companies and other interests may enter the scene to exploit or damage the natural resource. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert
19:00 - 20:30