Solidarity with Churches and Communities Affected by Ebola Crisis

Solidarity with Churches and Communities Affected by Ebola Crisis

28 Sep 2014
Open to All

The LWF invites churches throughout the Lutheran communion to offer prayers on Sunday, 28 September 2014, in solidarity with the churches and communities affected by the Ebola crisis in the West and Central African countries of: Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone.

The LWF also invites churches to dedicate an offering to support the diaconal work of churches in the West and Central African countries as they struggle to provide care and support in the face of the Ebola crisis.

The solidarity prayers lift up the region’s churches as they struggle to:

  • Restore healing and wholeness
  • Accompany courageously and with compassion the bereaved and distressed
  • Provide the necessary wisdom, knowledge and skills in offering health solutions
Sign pointing to the newly opened Ebola Treatment Center near Phebe Hospital. Photo: LCL

Sign pointing to the newly opened Ebola Treatment Center near Phebe Hospital. Photo: LCL

01:00 - 01:00

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