Transforming our world together

Transforming our world together

14 Jul 2021
Open to All

Reviewing Sustainable Development Goals 13 & 16 in Colombia, Indonesia and Namibia

The 2030 agenda encourages governments to assess their own progress on achieving the SDGs by submitting Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) These are a snapshot of where countries stand on implementation of the SDGs, undertaken by both developed and developing countries, and involving multiple stakeholders.

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) meets annually under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to review these VNRs.

In 2021, the LWF, through partners in Colombia, Indonesia, and Namibia, have produced parallel reviews and shadow reports to showcase the value of faith-based organizations and civil society engagement. These reports include sharing good practices, key findings, and recommendations to governments for the implementation of the Agenda 2030 at a national level.

Join us in a conversation with faith actors from Africa, Asia, and Latin America as they reflect on updates, recommendations, and lessons arising from their work in producing these reports.

Opening Remarks:

  • Rev Dr Martin Junge, General Secretary, the Lutheran World Federation
  • Mr Ezra K. Yego, Project Lead (Global Networks) UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network


  • Ms Marina Doelker, Program Executive for Diakonia and Development, the Lutheran World Federation
  • Ms Dorcas Parsalaw, Head of Studies - Sustainability in the Church Context, Mission EineWelt


  • Rev Eduardo Martinez, National Coordinator – Waking the Giant Colombia
  • Mr Uhuru Dempers, Director, Desk for Social Development-Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (ELCRN)
  • Mr Fernando Sihotang, Human Rights and Advocacy Coordinator, the Lutheran World Federation's National Committee in Indonesia (KNLWF)

Closing Remarks:

  • Ms Eva Ekelund, Director of Policy/Deputy International Director, International Department, Act Church of Sweden



Languages: English (with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and Indonesian)

LWF Council members take part in a June 2019 event in Geneva to publicize the work of Waking the Giant. Photo: LWF/S.Gallay

LWF Council members take part in a June 2019 event in Geneva to publicize the work of Waking the Giant. Photo: LWF/S.Gallay

18:00 - 19:15

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