Walk Our Talk: Together We Can End Gender Based Violence
Walk Our Talk: Together We Can End Gender Based Violence
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence
Together We Can End Gender Based Violence and Promote Gender Justice
This year's slogan is "Walk Our Talk", together we can end Gender Based Violence and promote Gender Justice.
A new look at some key documents in our GBV work and commitment as a Communion. Where are we with these commitments? Time to get past the talking stage and commit to take measurable action to:
- Raise awareness about Gender Based Violence as a human rights issue at the local, national, regional and international levels,
- Strengthen local work around violence against women,
- Establish a clear link between local and international work to end violence against women,
- Provide a forum in which organizers can develop and share new and effective strategies,
- Demonstrate the solidarity of women around the world organizing to overcome violence against women,
- Create and feature tools for this work in the churches, along with tools to pressure governments to implement promises made to eliminate violence against women,
- Springboard into planning for year-long focus on overcoming Gender Based Violence and promoting Women’s empowerment,
to end Gender Based Violence.
Reference resources
Gender Justice Policy
A biblically-rooted framework for the Lutheran global communion of churches to take concrete steps to implement the policy...
Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019) Download as PDF
Churches say “No” to Violence against Women | Action Plan for the Churches
This action plan for the churches is a challenge to LWF member churches to face the painful issue of violence against women in all its forms present in each church’s respective context.
Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019) Download as PDF
LWF Staff Code of Conduct Regarding Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Abuse of Power, Fraud and Corrupt
The LWF Code of Conduct outlines the responsibilities of all staff to safeguard the dignity and rights of people with whom they work.
Office for Human Resources Download as PDF
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence - Liturgical resources
LWF Communion Prayer for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign
Department for Theology and Public Witness (until 2019)

Women's pre-assembly participants deliver their message to the LWF Assembly gathered in Namibia, on 10 May 2017. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert