Webinar: A River with Rights

Webinar: A River with Rights

15 Dec 2020
Open to All

How ethnic communities are fighting for the rights of the Atrato River in Colombia 

On the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement, we present the case of the Rio Atrato, a river with legal rights, and the work of the ethnic communities protecting its rights as well as their own.

The LWF supports the Commission of Guardians of the Atrato for the effective implementation of the T-622 historic Court ruling in Colombia, which recognizes legal rights to the Atrato River and gives a series of directives to protect the rights of local communities in the Atrato Basin. With partners like the Climate Alliance and FIAN, this Zoom event aims to:

  • Give more visibility to the fight of ethnic communities for the respect of their social, economic, cultural and environmental rights
  • Raise awareness about key issues within the question of environmental protection and food sovereignty, and about the challenges faced by ethnic communities in Colombia in the face of industries such as mining 
  • Present the lessons and practices of the emblematic case of the Atrato River, in particular with the recognition of the legal personality of the river. 


  • Maryury Mosquera, Guardian for the Community Council COCOMOPOCA 
  • Nixon Chamorro, Guardian for the Choco Indigenous Roundtable 
  • Juan Carlos Morales Gonzalez, Director of FIAN Colombia 
  • Harol Rincon Ipuchima, Coordinator for climate change and biodiversity of COICA and vice-president of Climate Alliance Europe 
  • Musonda Mumba, Chief Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit of UNEP 


  • Elena Cedillo, LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice 


This event is co-organized by The Lutheran World Federation, FIAN international, FIAN Colombia, Climate Alliance, Climate Alliance Vorarlberg, and COICA

It is supported by Canton de Genève and ACT Church of Sweden.


Zoom Registration

Languages: Spanish, interpretation provided for English, French and German


Youtube Livestreaming

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LWF Colombia

Youth playing at the bank of the Río Pogue, Atrato. Photo: LWF Columbia

Youth playing at the bank of the Río Pogue, Atrato. Photo: LWF Columbia

18:00 - 20:00

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