The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments
Launching the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments document
“To be Lutheran is to be ecumenical.” This conviction is at the heart of the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments document.
We are launching the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitment document during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in order to express LWF’s continuous commitment to Christian unity.
Starting off with a general introduction into the document on the first day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Friday, 18 January 2019), the six Ecumenical Commitments will be introduced during the following days. We would like to encourage you all to discuss and share these Ecumenical Commitments.
Brief description of the LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments document:
The general aim of the document is to promote ecumenism, and to give expression to the unity of the body of Christ. The first part of the document offers theological reflections about ecumenism, and looks at the ecumenical relations of the LWF and the Lutheran understanding of ecumenism. The second part is the core of the document. It contains “six commitments”. Each of these six commitments includes a strong self-commitment to ecumenism as well as suggestions for practical application.
The LWF’s Ecumenical Commitments is a working document.
It is commended for reception and study, and feedback is welcome.
Language: English, German, French and Spanish
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness

Kurt Cardinal Koch, President, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan; Pope Francis; and LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge, at the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden, 31 October 2016. Photo: LWF