Women and Gender Justice Network

Women and Gender Justice Network

6 May – 8 May 2018
Invitation Only

Women and Gender Justice Network

This meeting will be a moment to evaluate the journey, to discuss the lessons learned and harvesting results of the network to plan new steps ahead.

Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness

Program: Women in Church and Society

Red de Mujeres y Justicia de Género LAC

En esta reunión vamos evaluar la caminada de los últimos años, las lecciones aprendidas y cosecha de resultados para planear los próximos pasos de la Red de mujeres y justicia de genero LAC.

Departmento: Departmento para Teología y Relaciones Ecumenicas

Programa: Mujeres en la Iglesia y la Sociedad

Program / Programa

LWF Women in Church and Society

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Church in Paraguay pledges to support new anti-violence law 5 April 2018 ASUNCIÓN/Paraguay

Photo: Elizabeth Arciniegas – WICAS regional coordinator LAC

Photo: Elizabeth Arciniegas – WICAS regional coordinator LAC

6 May – 8 May 2018
-All day

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