Women and Interfaith Engagement
Women and Interfaith Engagement
Webinar on Women and Interfaith Engagement: Sharing lessons learnt during COVID-19 and beyond
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a profound and lasting impact on the health and wellbeing of the global community. Without warning, in the space of a few weeks, it dramatically altered the pattern of our daily lives, and powerfully exposed the vulnerability that all human beings share.
This heightened awareness of our common vulnerability calls for new forms of solidarity that reach across national, cultural and religious boundaries. Over the past year, we have seen encouraging signs of people’s solidarity with their neighbors, especially the most needy, through volunteer groups, support networks and charitable activities. Yet the significant contribution and perspectives of women in interfaith engagement and interreligious collaboration to combat the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic have rarely received sufficient attention.
During World Interfaith Harmony Week, this webinar will bring Christian, Buddhist and Jewish voices to focus on the role of women as key actors in interfaith engagement, highlighting the urgency of sharing resources beyond the confines of our own religious communities.
Opening Remarks:
Rev. Dr Peniel Rajkumar, Program Coordinator - Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation, World Council of Churches
- Rev. Dr Elina Hellqvist, Interim Director of Office for Global Mission , Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
- Dr Gaya Gamhewage, Head of Learning & Capacity Development for WHO’s Health Emergencies Program, World Health Organization, Switzerland
- Dr Debbie Weissman, Former president of the International Council of Christians and Jews, Retired Jewish educator, Israel
- Rev. Dr Sivin Kit, Program Executive for Public Theology and Interreligious Relations, The Lutheran World Federation
- The Lutheran World Federation
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland
- World Council of Churches
Event languages: English

Arianne van Andel from the Interreligious Aliance for the Climate, Chile leads a word of prayer, as people of faith gather in a 'Prayer for the Rainforest' as part of the Cumbre Social por el Clima, on the fringes of COP25 in Madrid. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert