Women Doing Theology Global Consultation

Women Doing Theology Global Consultation

13 Nov – 16 Nov 2019
Invitation Only

Cultural systems often oppress women and girls. Within member churches, Lutheran teaching and practice related to gender also affect people’s lives. The Scriptures and the theological traditions are often used to reinforce gender injustices. Our cultures and church contexts can sometimes intertwine and reinforce gender injustice.

Critical capacity-building in theological topics is vital in order to advance the practical, ecclesial, strategic and personal concerns related to gender justice from Lutheran perspectives. We gather so that women doing theology in a variety of capacities are able to further the work of the communion to foster gender justice by making connections between feminist Lutheran theology, the LWF Gender Justice Policy and the LWF Twelfth Assembly resolutions.  

Women will learn from and influence each other theologically and will be able to articulate and strengthen a strategy to promote central concerns in feminist Lutheran theology for the coming decades.  

Registration deadline: 10 October 2019

Women's pre-council meeting, in anticipation of the Lutheran World Federation council meeting 2019. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

Women's pre-council meeting, in anticipation of the Lutheran World Federation council meeting 2019. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert

11:00 - 19:00

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