World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day

1 Dec 2015
Open to All

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and its member churches worldwide mark World AIDS Day in 2015 by showing their continued support towards the global United Nations goals of zero new infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination. The Lutheran communion affirms its ongoing response to the crisis which includes access to treatment for the most vulnerable among those affected, livelihood support, education, advocacy and prayer.

An estimated 37 million people globally live with HIV, and this year alone, some 2 million became newly infected, according to UNAIDS. In all 1.2 million people have died from AIDS-related diseases. Tragically, 22 million of those living with HIV are not accessing treatment, and the coverage rate is much lower among children. Half of all people living with HIV are unaware of their status.

The LWF Latin America and Caribbean region has translated into Spanish liturgical materials developed by the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance initiative of the World Council of Churches for World AIDS Day, which can also be used throughout the Advent season.

World AIDS Day is a time to remember people who have died from AIDS-related illnesses and those living with HIV.

Illuminating the path to compassion.  Photo Credit: Paul Jeffrey/EAA

Illuminating the path to compassion. Photo Credit: Paul Jeffrey/EAA

01:00 - 01:00

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